Overland Travel Guatemala

Tikal - one of the largest settlements of the Maya, is located in the El Peten Guatemala Province.

Tikal – one of the largest settlements of the Maya, is located in the El Peten Guatemala Province.

The I-IX centuries BC. e. the city was one of the most important centers of the Mayan civilization. Researchers estimate that its population at that time was between 100 to 200 thousand people. By the end of the X century, after a series of rebellions, the city was finally abandoned residents.

Guatemala – a country in Central America. The Republic of Guatemala is in the northern part of Central America, stretching across the continent from the Pacific to the Caribbean. In the north and north-west it is bordered by Mexico to the south and south-east – with Honduras and El Salvador, in the north-east – with Belize. On the west by the Pacific Ocean in the east – the Gulf of Honduras Caribbean.

Tikal - one of the largest settlements of the Maya, is located in the El Peten Guatemala Province.

The first settlements on the territory of modern Guatemala emerged in the 1st millennium BC. They were settled by the Maya Indians, who did not have a single state.

In the II-IX centuries – the flourishing of the Mayan culture, then a period of decline began. In the 10th-11th centuries, the Toltecs, including the Quiche tribes, came to Guatemala from Tabasco, and conquered the central highlands with the capital Kumarkah (Utatlan). By the end of the XIV century. many peoples of Guatemala were subordinate to the Quiche.

In 1523, the colonization of the country by the Spaniards began under the leadership of Pedro de Alvarado. The greatest resistance to the Spaniards was put up by the Quiche tribe, which still remains the largest Indian tribe in Guatemala. Nevertheless, the conquistadors captured the main city of the Quiche tribe, Gumarkah, in 1524. By order of Pedro de Alvarado, the city was burned along with his nobility. By 1525, the Indians were largely subdued. But their last independent state formation on the territory of modern Guatemala, with the capital Tah-Itza (Noh-Petén), was conquered only in 1697.



Travel Route Guatemala – Mexico – USA.


Tikal National Park encompasses 575 square kilometres of jungle and thousands of ruined structures.

Tikal National Park, Guatemala.

Tikal - So we look to the pyramid clearing of jungle thickets.

This is how the pyramid in Tikal looked like before the jungle was cleared.

Tikal, El Peten, Guatemala look to the pyramid clearing of jungle thickets.

Tikal - one of the largest settlements of the Maya.

Tikal – one of the largest settlements of the Maya, is located in the El Peten Guatemala Province.

Guatemala, Tikal - one of the largest settlements of the Maya, is located in the El Peten Guatemala Province.

Peten Itza lake in northern Guatemala near Maya piramids in Tikal.

Peten Itza – a lake in northern Guatemala. Located southwest of the settlement of the Maya Tikal. The second largest lake in Guatemala after Izabal.

Border of Guatemala and Honduras.

Behind Honduras. On the border of Guatemala and Honduras.

Central America Overland Travel Guide

History of Guatemala – CentralAmerica.com

Guatemala History & Maya civilizations