Radio Minija-2R

Since 1963, the network lamp radiola "Miniya-2R" has been produced by the Kaunas Radio Plant.

Since 1963, the network lamp radiola “Miniya-2R” has been produced by the Kaunas Radio Plant.

The radiola was created on the basis of the ”Miniya-2” radio tape recorder and is similar in design and characteristics to it. Sensitivity in the AM bands 50 μV. Selectivity not less than 60 dB. Rated output power 1.5W. The range of reproducible frequencies when receiving in the AM bands is 80 … 4000 Hz, in the FM – 80..12000 Hz, during the operation of the EPU – 100..10000 Hz. Power consumption 85, during the operation of the EPU – 100 watts. The dimensions of the radiola are 622x416x388 mm. Weight 23 kg.

Since 1963, the network lamp radiola "Miniya-2R" has been produced by the Kaunas Radio Plant.
Since 1963, the network lamp radiola "Miniya-2R" has been produced by the Kaunas Radio Plant.
Since 1963, the network lamp radiola "Miniya-2R" has been produced by the Kaunas Radio Plant.