R-123M VHF radio station “Magnolia-M” ultra-shortwave with frequency modulation, made according to the transceiver scheme.
Operating frequency range: 20 – 51.5 MHz (from 15 to 5.82 m), divided into two sub-bands: from 20 to 35.75 MHz and from 35.75 to 51.5 MHz. The radio station has 1261 operating frequencies, with a step of 25 kHz. Tuning from one frequency to another is performed smoothly along the optical scale. The transmitter power is at least 20 W, which corresponds to a voltage of 39 V at an antenna equivalent resistance of 75 ohms. Transmitter frequency deviation – 4.5-7 kHz. Receiver sensitivity: not worse than 2.5 μV, with signal ratio