GAZ-66 Soviet and Russian army truck 4 × 4


GAZ-66 - Soviet and Russian army truck with the wheel formula 4 × 4

GAZ-66 – Soviet and Russian army truck with the wheel formula 4 × 4, load capacity of 2.0 tonnes and the cab-over-engine. Most mass-wheel-drive two-axle truck in the Soviet Army and in the national economy of the USSR and Russia in 1960-1990.

Serial production of the GAZ-66 deployed from July 1964. In 1968, the truck was a centralized system controlling the pressure in the tires (66-01 and modification). In 1966 he was awarded the Gold Medal at the exhibition “Modern agricultural machinery” in Moscow. In 1967 he was awarded the Gold Medal at the International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Leipzig. In April 1969 GAZ-66 was the first Soviet car received the State Quality Mark. GAZ-66 was exported to all the countries of the socialist camp. GAZ-66, in addition to the use in agriculture, adopted in the Soviet army, after the collapse of the Soviet Union a large number of GAZ-66 was used in the Russian army, mainly in the Airborne Forces and border troops. In 1995, mass production of GAZ-66-11 with modifications has been discontinued. Instead of Gorky Automobile Plant has mastered the production model GAZ-3308 “Sadko”. The last instance of the GAZ-66-40 came down the assembly line July 1, 1999. Total 965 941 family of cars GAZ-66 was released.