Ingapirca ruins Inca Empire

Ingapirca largest known Inca ruins in Ecuador. The ruins include the Temple of the Sun, a large oval construction once used for ritual and astronomical purposes.

Ingapirca are the largest known Inca ruins in Ecuador.

Ingapirca is a town in Ecuador’s Cañar province. It’s known for the Ingapirca Ruins, an archaeological complex north of town with ancient Incan masonry. The ruins include the Temple of the Sun, a large oval construction once used for ritual and astronomical purposes. Just outside the ruins, the Museo Sitio de Ingapirca displays a skeleton, tools and other artifacts recovered from the area.

Map Cuenca - Ingapirca Inca Ruins

Map Cuenca – Ingapirca Inca Ruins

Ecuador, Pan American Road, to the ruins the city of the Inca Empire Ingapirca.

Pan American Road, to the ruins the city of the Inca Empire Ingapirca.

Ingapirca largest known Inca ruins in Ecuador.

Ingapirca is an hour’s drive from the city of Cuenca on the road Pan American, in the province of Canar in the Andes mountains of Ecuador. The ruins are located at an altitude of 3200 meters.

Ingapirca largest known Inca ruins in Ecuador. The ruins include the Temple of the Sun, a large oval construction once used for ritual and astronomical purposes.

Inca fortress was destroyed by the Spanish konkistador in the XV century.

Ingapirca largest known Inca ruins in Ecuador. The ruins include the Temple of the Sun, a large oval construction once used for ritual and astronomical purposes.


The inhabitants the village of Ingapirca, Ecuador.

The inhabitants the village of Ingapirca.

Ecuador, Ingapirca ruins Inca Empire.


Ingapirca largest known Inca ruins in Ecuador.
Ecuador, Ingapirca


Ecuador, Ingapirca
Ecuador, Ingapirca